Sorry for the delay in communication this week I was waiting on confirmation for a couple of things from the Lawrence coach before I sent out this email.
We play our first league match on Thursday March 25th at Lawrence. Kick off is scheduled for 6 p.m. There will only be one game on Thursday and it will be an A-side match. I will be trying something different for this season and instead of requiring everyone to attend, it is only the A-side that will need to be there in uniform to warm up and participate in the match. I encourage the all players to attend the game and cheer on their teammates but only the A-side players designated for this game will be dressed to play. During each league match I am only able to roster 22 girls, so as much as I would love to sub freely there are certain rules I must follow. And as a reminder the A-side lineup can change for each game and a player is not guaranteed to always play A side. Some players will play A side, some will play B side and some may play A side one game and B side the next and vice versa.
I am going to announce the A-side lineup early but it is still important for everyone to attend practice.
A-side lineup for Thursday’s game
1. Kristin Amburgy
2. Maria Burnham
3. Caprice Carlson
4. Kristi Crow
5. Corinne Damler
6. Alexandria Frazee
7. Casey Glass
8. Cara Goad
9. Lizzie Goetz
10. Keke Graham
11. Madisaun Gross
12. Cassie Halsey
13. Maggie Hamer
14. Chelse Kile
15. Claire Kochmer
16. Michelle Lanier
17. Karah Lockwood
18. Jenny Miller
19. Stephanie Mills
20. Jahnelle Moniquette
21. Annie Renzi
22. Catherine Stumpp
4510 N Richardt Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46226-3845 465 east to 56th street go east to the east end of Lawrence Central turn right on Richardt go sourth on Richardt the pitch will be on your right about 1/4 mile after you cross over 46th street.
We will need to leave Blast off by 4:15. There is no bathroom at the field so if you need to stop before you get to the park.
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