09 April 2010

Rosters and Final Game Info for this Weekend

The B-side will be playing at North Central. Kick off will be 1:30 p.m. The caravan will need to leave Blast Off by 11:45 a.m. so that we can start warmups at 12:30.

The roster for Saturday is:
Kristin Amburgy
Sheridan England
Emilee Hedrick
Amanda Cradler
Miranda Williamson
Allison Baker
Jasmine Keys
Margo Vachon
Mollie Novak
Shannon Wagonner
Ashley Spesard
Emily Chesney
Jan Hamer
Maggie Vonderane
Taylor Day
Cassie Halsey
Madisaun Gross
Meagan Shaffer
Austin Arnold
Shonika Anderson
Holly Neff
Kerstin Hixon
Brianna Manns
Kirstin Roetter

Sunday the A-side plays Columbus at home (arbuckle park). Kickoff is scheduled for 2 p.m. Players should be dressed and ready to start warmups at 1 p.m. 

The roster for Sunday is:
Cara Goad
Janelle Moniquette
Jenna Sparks
Casey Glass
Caprice Carlson
Stephanie Mills
Claire Kochmer
Maria Burnham
Annie Renzi
Maggie Hamer
Kristi Crow
Michelle Lanier
Karah Lockwood
Lizzie Goetz
Catherine Stumpp
Chelse Kile
Keke Graham
Corinne Damler
Alexandria Frazee
Shannon Wagonner
Jasmine Keys
Margo Vachon
Jessica Morrison
Madisaun Gross