22 February 2010

Rugby Information for the Week of Feb 22nd

We will be practicing Monday Feb 22nd at 5 p.m. Please bring tennis shoes because it is likely that we will be on pavement because of the snow covering the ground. We will do passing basics and go over some general guidelines and rules. If you have forms/money to turn in please bring them tonight.

Also you must register with Rugby Indiana for the 2010 season. If you do not register by Feb. 27th there will be a $10 fee added. Here are CIPP numbers from 2009. There are not many of you registered and you MUST have this done no later than March 6th for our scrimmage.  If you have already registered with Rugby Indiana you do not need to take any further action. If you are a returning player you can search for you CIPP number on http://www.usarugby.org/ you will need to search under club rosters and input Westside into the search it will bring up several choices. Please choose Westside Rugby Club (Brownsburg Girls) and at the top pick the 2009 roster and this will pull up last season's roster from there you will have your CIPP number. If you are new to the club this year do not worry about that step.