Below is the most up-to-date information for the 2010 season.
Sunday January 31, 2010 in the Brownsburg High School Cafeteria at 7 p.m.
What You Need for Registration
You will need to fill out the medical release, code of conduct, t-shirt order form (optional), USA Rugby release form. You will also need a copy of your birth certificate, copy of a photo ID, and copy of medical insurance card. If you do not have health insurance there are several affordable options for coverage during the season, please talk to me directly if you need this information. It is now a USA Rugby requirement that everyone have medical insurance.
To expedite the registration process, please bring the copies of your ID, birth certificat and insurance card with you to registration. This will make everyone’s life easier.
Club Dues
The Dues for the 2010 Season are $160. Payment plans are available. We will work with families as necessary. We want any one who wants to play to have the opportunity. There are also discounts for families that have more than one player playing in the Brownsburg Rugby Club (boys, youth, girls, etc).
What does your dues included: a pair of shorts and socks, use of the team set of jerseys, certified athletic trainers for each game, field/practice supplies, medical supplies such as tape, awards at the end of the year, tournament entry fees, and most of the cost for travel. There will be a small additional cost for traveling to tournaments such as Midwest and Nash Bash.
Rugby Indiana
New this year it is required that you register through Rugby Indiana at The fee for registering is $79 per player (This is in addition to your Club Dues). This fee includes which includes your CIPP (registration with USA Rugby, our governing organization).
Click on the registration tab on the right and follow the directions from there. Please make sure that you select Brownsburg Girls Rugby. You will have to pay through the website. Registration deadline for High School players is February 27th. Late registrations will be assessed a $10 late fee. You will be asked for your Personal Health Insurance information and returning players will need their CIPP# which can be found at If the Brownsburg team is not available when your register please wait it should be available by January 28th. There are scholarships available through Rugby Indiana. The information regarding scholarships is available on the Rugby Indiana Site.
If you are not registered with Rugby Indiana you will not be able to participate in any sanction games/scrimmages/jamborees. Please contact me if you have any further questions about Rugby Indiana.
• Outdoor Practice Starts February 15th – 5-6:30 p.m. Williams Park (Blast Off)
• Practice – Monday, Wednesday and Thursday until the season starts. Once the season begins we will be practicing only Monday and Wednesday (The week after Nash Bas).
Practice Attendance/Cancellations
I keep attendance at every practice. If you are not going to be at practice please let one of the coaches know directly. Do not tell another teammate that you will not be at practice. If we do not hear directly from a player/parent that a practice/game will be missed it will count as an unexcused absence. Excused absences are for school events (ie: choir, band, school sanctioned events), illness/injury or family emergencies.
Unless you hear from me or one of the designated team members there WILL be practice. I will make the call regarding weather related changes to practice by 4:15 p.m. on practice days. Please do not text me to ask if we are having practice. Practice cancellations will also be posted on the team web site at
Because we are starting the season earlier than usual it will likely be COLD and potentially WET. Please dress appropriately for the weather. In the early weeks of practice please bring both your cleats and regular tennis shoes to practice. I would suggest dressing in layers of clothes not made of cotton. Once the cotton gets wet it can be a pain to deal with. I would also suggest gloves during this time.
You will need:
• Mouth guard
• Cleats (cleats CANNOT have a toe cleat. No football/baseball/softball type cleats)
• Shorts and Socks will be ordered and provided by the club.
• A light colored t-shirt with the name you would like to be called written legibly on the front and back. This can be any old t-shirt and will need to be worn over any other layers for the first two weeks of practice. There are several new coaches this year and this will help us to learn names quickly.
Players MUST have a mouth guard at each practice and game. If a player arrives at practice without a mouth guard they will not be allowed to participate in practice and will be marked as absent for the day. I would suggest getting and molding a couple of mouth guards to have on hand.
Concussion Testing
There will be mandatory concussion testing done before the start of the season. If you have had this done during the current school year please forward that information to me and you will not have to retake the test. I will send out the information as I get it about the testing.
As a team if we want to participate in tournaments such as Nash Bash and Midwest we will need to raise money to help defray any extra costs. We need to come up with several ideas that can be executed by the team.
• Our games are played mostly on Thursdays and Sundays with the occasional Saturdays for tournaments.
• A-Side and B-Side – We have several scheduled B-side games for the 2010. We will also have B-Side games at Nash Bash and the Midwest tournament. There will be more playing time than you will know what to do with this season.
Schedule (This is only tentative and will likely change)
February 21 - Jamboree (at Colts Practice Facility on 56th Street)
March 6 – Scrimmage vs North Central and Carmel at North Central
March 13-14 – Nash Bash
March 25 – at Lawrence
April 11 – vs Columbus – HOME
April 15 – TBD
April 18 – at South Bend. A-Side vs South Bend; B-Side vs Penn
April 22 – A-Side vs Southeastern; B-Side vs Carmel – HOME
April 25 – at Warsaw
April 29 – A-Side vs Noblesville; B-Side vs Northwest – Both games at Northwest
May 2 – A-Side and B-Side vs North Central – HOME (Senior Night)
May 9-8 – Midwest Tournament – A-Side and B-Side (Carmel Indiana)
May 16 – State Playoffs (Location TBD)
May 22 – State Finals (Location TBD)
Drivers to Away Games
As a reminder players are NOT allowed to transport themselves to away games. This means we need parents to drive to the games (with Nash Bash being the exception). Before each away game a time and meeting location will be announced to caravan
Nash Bash
We will have 2 sides (A&B) for the Nash Bash Tournament March 13 and 14 in Nashville, TN. There will be an additional cost above dues to help cover travel costs (bus), hotels, meals, etc.
Parent Involvement
We need parent help. Last year was a great success with the parent-planned and parent-run post-game socials. In my opinion you guys put on the best spread in the state. This year in addition to the socials, I would like to have a couple of parents who will organize the drivers for away games. If this is something that you can help with please let me know.
Referee Course
Anyone who is interested in become a referee there is a Level 1 Referee Course available.
- Date: February 13th 8am-5pm
- Location: Cathedral High School, 5225 East 56th Street Indianapolis, IN 46226-1487
Contact Information
Rachel Wallace