15 March 2009

Rugby Happenings Week of March 16th

Here is what is going on this week.

Monday March 16th – Practice from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Williams Park.

Thursday March 19th – Practice from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Williams Park.

Saturday March 21st – We will be playing Carmel and North Central in a series of scrimmages. Each scrimmage will be 20 minutes long (there will not be a half time). There will be four scrimmages so we will get a 80 full minutes of rugby. Everyone will get plenty of time on the field Saturday. Again the coaches will be on the field if necessary to help with rookies. This will be much less rushed than the jamboree and will really give everyone a better introduction to rugby.

We will need to leave Williams Park at 7:15 a.m. I know this is an early start but will be finished by 11 a.m.

8am - NC vs Carmel
8:30 - NC vs BB
9am - BB vs Carmel
9:30 - NC vs Carmel
10am - NC vs BB
10:30 - BB vs Carmel

I am hoping that the socks and shorts will be in this week. If there are any questions please let me know.