26 May 2009

End of Year Banquet and a couple of Honors

The end of the year awards banquet will be held on June 1 at 5:30 p.m. at the High School Cafeteria. It will be a banquet honoring all of the brownsburg rugby teams. All family is invitied and encourated to attend.

It will be a pitch in and as a team we have been assigned desserts.

Please bring Cookies, Brownies, other sweet snacks enough to feed 20 people. If anyone has any questions please let me know.

On another note the All-State Team was announced at Monday's state tournament and there were several Brownsburg girls who received recognition.

First Team Honors
Jessica Bammann - Prop
Kayla Hernandez - Hooker
Claire Kotchmer - Flanker

Second Team Honors
Annie Renzi - 8-man

Honorable Menion
Michelle Lanier - Wing
Jenny Miller - Flanker
Corinne Damler - Full back
Sarah Robbins - Scrum Half

I look forward to seeing everyone at the banquet on June 1.

19 May 2009

Directions for Tonight and Some Other Information

Team Dinner
For those that can attend tonight we will be doing a team dinner instead of conditioning at Deanna's house. It will start at 5:00 and should be done around 6:30-7 p.m.

Here are directions:

23 Oakmont Drive
Brownsburg, Indiana 46112


136 west towards Pittsboro. Take past signal light to 550East. Turn Right onto 550. Go over railroad tracks and make 2nd left onto Oakmont Drive. House is Brown and White on corner.

The girls do not need to bring anything.

Wednesday's Game
Kick off is scheduled for 6 p.m. The girls need to be at the park at 4:45. Please pass the word along to any friends or family who would like to attend.

Rugby Camp
For those that are interested here is a link to more information.


End of the Year Banquet
Please Add June 1 to your calendars for the 2009 end of the season banquet. We will be handing out awards. It will be in the high school cafeteria and there will be a pitch in. When I have more information I will send it out.

15 May 2009

Brownsburg vs Carmel 2009

Brownsburg vs North Central 2009

Brownsburg vs Noblesville 2009

Rugby Info

Sunday May 17th – We will be having an intrasquad scrimmage at 1 p.m. at Arbuckle park. After the scrimmage we will be doing the senior celebration. There will be cake and food.

Monday May 18th – Practice at ARBUCKLE

Wednesday May 20th – We play Carmel at 6 p.m. at ARBUCKLE. This will be the first round of the state tournament.

If we get past Carmel we will be playing on May 25th (yes Monday) up in South Bend.

Please let me know if there are any questions.

29 April 2009

Midwest Tourney Details

First Off What an awesome game tonight. I think that both sides played exceptionally well. With the win the A Side will be competing for an opportunity to play in the national tournament this weekend. Each side will get three games over the weekend. This is a great opportunity for everyone to get time on the field.

I need everyone to bring their school IDs to practice on Thursday to practice. There are several things we must to for USA Rugby to be able to compete and this is one of them.

Saturday is going to be a long day. Please be prepared for the weather. It looks like it will be a high of 65 on Saturday. I would suggest packing extra clothes because you never know what it is going to be like. We will have two pop up canopies. Blankets and/or folding chairs would also be a good idea.

We will have snacks/Gatorade/water for games and in between games. There will also be a concession stand.

We need to be at Carmel at 8 a.m. to start warmups. I would like to leave from Williams Park by 7:00 a.m. on Saturday to get to the fields on time, have everyone use the bathroom and get ready to start warmups at 8 a.m..

Sunday we will need to leave by 7:30 to be at the fields on time.

Game Schedule


A Side – 9 a.m. vs DSHA on Field A
Game 2 – will be at 1 p.m.

B Side – Noon vs Catholic Memorial Field B and 4 p.m. vs Livingston Field B

A Side will depend on the outcome of the second game.
B Side – 9:30 a.m. vs Traverse City Field B

Here are some additional details for the weekend:
Rookie rugby. Throughout the day there we be demos of the new USA Rugby’s rookie rugby, a new and exciting way to introduce the game to all ages. Please let your parents know to take the smaller siblings over to the Rookie Rugby area to get a head start in following their big sister’s footsteps!
Address for the fields [for Mapquest-ing] 12600 River Road, Carmel IN 46033
For cars, we expect the parking area near the fields to fill up rapidly, and the parking directors will let you know if there is a space available. Enter only from the South entrance; the North entrance will be for outbound traffic only. Please comply and obey the parking directors.
If you can’t park there, you will have to drive to the parking area at the River Road Athletic Complex north and west of the field and walk back. All buses will be parked there. When departing from that lot, please note: All traffic leaving River Road Athletic complex will have to proceed westbound on 126th Street and if they need to go eastbound on 126th, they will need to go down to the roundabout and go around the roundabout and come back. [see map]
There will be NO PARKING along the roadside. Police will be around throughout the day and will be ticketing folks. Please advise your parents.

Admission is $5 for one day/$7 for two. We will have a souvenir program available for $1 as well.
Concession, tournament t-shirt sales and Rugby Imports will all be available.

Restrooms are at the north side of the park and we will have portapotties available.
Trash. Please do keep the trash picked up around your area. And if you see trash ANYWHERE, please be a good steward of our park and pick it up.
Medical. There will be a medical tent manned by trainers who will be available to tape ankles etc. The Fire Department will be around for any immediate response, and we have a variety of doctors and nurses who will be available. Information on local hospitals will be available when you check in.

28 April 2009

Rugby Happenings Week of April 27

Here is what is going on for this week.

Wednesday - Game vs Carmel at home. Kick off is at 5:30 p.m. The girls need to be at the field ready for warmups at 4:30 p.m.

Thursday - Practice 4:30-6:00 p.m.

Saturday and Sunday - I do not yet have game times for the midwest tournament. If we win on Wednesday against Carmel the A side will be going into the tournament division and the B side into the festival division. If we lose against Carmel on Wednesday then both teams will be going into the Festival division. As soon as I have game times I will forward them on. The Midwest tournament will be up a Carmel.

23 April 2009

Brownsburg Rugby Bowling Party - Friday April 24th

Friday is the bowling party at Brownsburg Bowl from 6 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.. The admission price is $10.00 per person (friends and family are welcome, the more the merrier) and a portion of that will go to the club. The fee includes up to 2 games of bowling and shoes.

There will be door prizes throughout the evening.

Fundraising is very important to the club. It helps us keep our dues lower and helps pay for items such as jerseys and field equipment.

Info for Sunday’s Game (4/26)

Due to a scheduling conflict and a glitch in the master scheduling website we will need to move Sunday’s game to the field in Zionsville. I know this is not the best situation but the field is the closest alternative and I did not want to have to cancel the game. We will still treat this game as a home game. The girls need to be at the field by noon ready to start warmups. We will kick off at 1 p.m. Sunday’s game will be a mixture of A and B side players.

Here is a link to directions.


20 April 2009

Rugby Happenings Week of April 20

It was a muddy mess on Sunday but a great game and a solid 47-0 win over Columbus.

Here is what is happening for this week

Monday April 20 - Practice 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Williams Park

Wednesday April 22 - Brownsburg at Noblesville. Kick off is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. we will need to leave by 3:50 p.m.. This will be cutting our warm up a bit short so when you get to the field be ready to get right into warmups. There are NO bathrooms at the field so stop at one of the fast food places or gas station before you get to the field.

Thursday April 23 - Practice 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Williams Park

Sunday April 26 - Brownsburg vs. South Bend. Kick off is at noon. Please be at Arbuckle Park ready to start warmups at 11. I am trying to add a B-side game before the South Bend. As soon as I have details I will let everyone know.

On another note, the Weekend of May 2 and 3, Brownsburg will be entering two teams in the Midwest Festival tournament. This will be a great opportunity for everyone to get a lot of playing time as we take on teams from Indiana and around the Midwest.

17 April 2009

Directions to Columbus

Here is a link to the directions.



Due to a field conflict we will be kicking off at 2;30 p.m. on Sunday. We will be leaving from the park at 12:15. Please let me know if you have any questions.

14 April 2009


As you take pictures during the season please send me any (or all). I would like to have a slide show for the end of the season awards and to post a few of them here. Please email them to me at bhsgirlsrugby@yahoo.com.

13 April 2009

Rugby Happenings Week of April 13

* Monday April 13 - Practice 4:30-6:00 p.m. at Williams Park.
* Wednesday April 15 - We will be playing Lawrence at Home (Arbuckle Park). Kick off is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. please be at the field ready to go to start warmups at 4:30 p.m. After the game we will be hosting a social for Lawrence and Brownsburg. Mrs. Kochmer will be sending out information for what will need to be contributed.
* Thursday April 16 - Practice 4:30-6:00 p.m. at Williams Park.
* Sunday April 19 - We will be playing at Columbus at 1 p.m. I do not have directions to the Columbus field yet, but we will need to leave from Williams Park at 10:45 p.m.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Rugby Stuff for Sale

There will be some Brownsburg Rugby Merchandise for Sale at Wednesday's Game.

Sweatshirts - $30
Tshirts $10 & $12
Hats $15
Decals $10

They will be available starting around 5:15 p.m.

Post Game Social Information for Wednesday April 15

Below is a list of needed items, if you would be willing to donate something from the list, please reply to this email.

Please bring the food with you to the game.

3 people - Hot dog buns (36 buns)
4 people - 1 case water
3 people - 3 boxes of Capri Suns - any flavor
4 people - sweets (cookies, brownies, etc)
1 person - napkins, ketchup, mustard, relish
4 people - fruit ( bananas, apples, oranges) about 20 pieces

Please email Jane Kochmer (317-858-1702) at jkochmer@yahoo.com with what you are bringing.

06 April 2009

Rugby Happenings Week of April 6th

I hope that everyone had a fun and safe spring break. Things really start picking up and he season is now in full swings.

April 6th – Practice 4:30-6:00 p.m. at Williams Park.

April 9th – Picture Day. I handed out forms before spring break and sent it out via email. I will have forms again tonight at practice. Please be there at 4:15 p.m. ready to take pictures. We will be practicing until 6:30 to accommodate the picture taking. Please bring your green t-shirt to practice on Thursday if you have one. Our socks our in and I will be handing them out at practice Monday, unfortunately our shorts are somewhere in UPS land. I am hoping they get to us in the next day or so.

April 11th – Brownsburg at North Central. This is our first league game. We will play 2 games on Saturday the first one is to kick off at 10:00 a.m. and the second at 11:30 a.m. We will need to leave Brownsburg by 8:15 a.m. so that we can get there in time, and get warmed up etc. Please meet at the park by 8:00 a.m. so that we can be ready to roll quickly. Parents please let me know if you are able to drive.

If anybody has questions please let me know.


23 March 2009

Rugby Happenings Week of March 23rd

Great scrimmages this weekend!

Monday March 23rd - Practice 4:30 to 6 p.m. at Williams Park

Wednesday March 25 - The scrimmage scheduled for March 25th against Hamilton Southeastern has been CANCELLED.

Thursday March 26th - Practice 4:30 p.m. at ARBUCKLE PARK (note the location change. This is where we play our games and we will be practicing on the field).

The week of March 30 will be spring break and we will not be practicing.

We will be back at practice on Monday April 6th from 4:30 to 6 p.m. at Williams Park.

18 March 2009

Rugby Photos From Jamboree

2009 Rugby Scrimmages - Action Photos

Jim White, a nationally published Indianapolis Freelance Sports Photographer for over 15 years, will be photographing the rugby scrimmage action on Saturday, March 14, 2009 at the Indianapolis Colts Complex.

All photographs will be uploaded to a website (www.dotphoto.com) so you can view them. There is NO obligation or cost to view the photographs! Photos will be placed in albums (maximum of 200 images per album) which may be viewed manually OR by clicking on the "EYE" icon that occurs in front of each album listing each album can be viewed as a slide show to music.

Go to: www.dotphoto.com

Access code: Once the dotphoto homepage appears, enter the USER NAME: WOWOTN and then enter the PASSWORD: CTheAction
Then select the album you want (the most recent albums are listed first).

15 March 2009

Rugby Happenings Week of March 16th

Here is what is going on this week.

Monday March 16th – Practice from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Williams Park.

Thursday March 19th – Practice from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Williams Park.

Saturday March 21st – We will be playing Carmel and North Central in a series of scrimmages. Each scrimmage will be 20 minutes long (there will not be a half time). There will be four scrimmages so we will get a 80 full minutes of rugby. Everyone will get plenty of time on the field Saturday. Again the coaches will be on the field if necessary to help with rookies. This will be much less rushed than the jamboree and will really give everyone a better introduction to rugby.

We will need to leave Williams Park at 7:15 a.m. I know this is an early start but will be finished by 11 a.m.

8am - NC vs Carmel
8:30 - NC vs BB
9am - BB vs Carmel
9:30 - NC vs Carmel
10am - NC vs BB
10:30 - BB vs Carmel

I am hoping that the socks and shorts will be in this week. If there are any questions please let me know.

12 March 2009

Rugby 101

I found these on YouTube and they are very basic overviews. Some of the info is a bit advanced, but overall it gives a nice guide to what rugby looks like. The USA Rugby web site (www.usarugby.org) also has some nice info for explaining the game of rugby.

11 March 2009

Brownsburg Girls Rugby Now on Twitter

I have set up a page on Twitter for updates. It is a private page so if you are on Twitter, I will have to approve you.


10 March 2009

Rugby Happenings Week of March 9th

I hope to have communications like this for each week of the season. The number have been excellent and Deanna, Sean and myself are looking forward to what could be a great season.

There are T-shirts available in Large and X-Large for purchase right now for $14. If you would like to order a different size there will be a sign up sheet at practice on Thursday March 12th. Money is due at the time of the order.

The socks and shorts have been ordered and hopefully will be in before the Jamboree. If they do not make it, I am asking for the veterans to bring any extra rugby shorts they have for the Jamboree to share with teammates. Also I would recommend players have a pair of spandex shorts (or softball silders) to wear under the shorts.

I will start updating this website today http://bhsgirlsrugby.blogspot.com/. Besides email we will try to communicate any news, info, etc. here.

Thursday March 12th – We will be practicing from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Please check the weather and dress accordingly. I think the temperature is going to be dropping over the next couple of days.

Saturday March 14th – Indiana Jamboree. At the Jamboree we will be participating in two controlled scrimmages. The coaches will be out on the field with the teams. This is a great way for new players and parents to be introduced to the game. This is a fun event and a great way to kick off the season. The Jamboree will be held this year at the Colts practice facility on 56th Street across from Eagle Creek Park (7001 West 56th Street - Indianapolis , IN 46254). We will be meeting at NOON at Williams Park (where we practice) to caravan to the Colts complex. Just as a reminder players are NOT allowed to drive themselves to the game. Also please be prepared to play both inside and outside. For those on the sidelines, I would suggest layers in case it is cold.

There will be a concession stand at the complex. Minus the field, we will not be allowed to go into the complex and porta potties will be available outside. T-shirts will be sold at the event for $12 each.

We will be watching a couple of the scrimmages before ours, then we will go into warm ups and will be playing at 2:30 p.m. and 3:00 p.m.

The schedule is as follows
Indoor Field Outdoor Field
12:00 Carmel vs. Orchard Park
12:30 Carmel vs. Orchard Park
1:00 NC vs. Columbus Warsaw vs. HSE
1:30 Carmel vs. Warsaw Orchard Park vs. Penn
2:00 Columbus vs. HSE NC vs. Penn
2:30 NC vs. Warsaw Columbus vs. Brownsburg
3:00 NC vs. Brownsburg Penn vs. HSE

We should be finished no later than 3:45 p.m.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with questions.